

Mark 6:34

“And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd.”

That’s the kind of heart I want to have. A heart that is completely moved by compassion. And those are the kind of eyes I want to have. Eyes that are on the least of these. Eyes that don’t see the speck on someone elses eyes, because I have one too. Eyes that see through a veil of love. And those are the kind of feet I want to move me. Feet that are moved by compassion. Where my pride is diminished and my selfishness is left behind. Where someone else’s need comes before my own wants. Where I don’t possess anything I can’t give away. Where it’s not about me. But it’s about you. And it’s about God. Because at the end of the day, that is what Love does. Love gives. And you and me and them and us, we’re all the same. We all want love. Because we were designed to desire our Creator, who IS love. That is the denominator that we have all fallen under. So I will love, because He first loved me. (1 john 4:19)

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. - Mother Teresa


For today's blog, I would like to redirect you to my favorite blogger's recent post.
His name is Stephen Christian and the link is
Read all his stuff but specifically his blog titled
"thr33 lies"

obrigado e boa noite



I've been really inspired lately, and it's all been because of what God's been teaching me about journey. I've realized that we as humans are on this journey, of following the two Christ commandments. Because it's a journey, it makes the yoke easy and the burden light on following both of those commandments. On the God part , I beat myself up because of my constant failings, but am encouraged that I will be on this journey for eternity, and I will have many ups and downs. On the loving people part, I am jubilant that I am not on this journey alone, but that I'm surrounded by a cloud of witnesses of struggle and success. I love that there's there old and young alike that can say amen to my feelings of loneliness and apathy, alongside with my zeal and ecstacy. The journey makes me forgive quickly, we don't have time to waste on silly disputes and hiding behind the bush of our mistakes. We have all said wrong things; but it's jubilee time. It's time to forgive all debts, wipe the slate clean, and love each other. One day we will all look back at our journals and pictures and laugh at our crushes and divisions, and yet still be on the common theme of life: the journey.

For the sake of love and harmony, let's lay aside all that divides us. the doctrine, status, past, or even romance are all like the fading grass.


so i woke up today, walked out my dorm to find that it was -41 degrees (wind chill) out. all is not grim though, they say that it will be 30 degrees this saturday.


i tried to describe how great this story of friendship is, but i found it to be impossible.