i'm also on twitter. why the rut? well i'm just getting to ready for when I'm a million miles away and i want to keep in touch with the world. either way, twitter is a fascinating networking site, to say the least. if you're too busy to check out multiple sites, my twitter updates are right on the side of melast. what's twitter noel?!
once again, wiki comes in to the rescue.
"♦Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length."
i'm currently working on a site where i will be sharing from as soon as i move overseas... it's still under construction so don't expect anything, but you could bookmark it and check back on it sometime in January, twenty-10. meanwhile, i'll still be blogging on melast.
to who it may concern.
to who it may concern.
my fingers are on my keyboard at this precise moment all because of one man's suggestion. he suggested that i update my blog, probably because it's easy to lose my readers if i don't blog frequently. i understand that this is true, and i do care about you guys, but I'd much rather facebook or talk on the phone. see, on this blog thing, it's only me putting myself out there (or here).
[and for what reason?]
either way, I'm putting my fingers to a task that they have come to abhor. and before you make the assumption that i have lost my love for writing, consider this: i have spent most of my time [outside of class and work] on this laptop of mine, doing an exaggerated amount of Theology homework. it has consumed my life, nearly. after spending an hour & 1/2 on my report prior to this,

i thought that it would be o.k for me to invest into the blogosphere. i don't feel as though i have much to offer today, (or for the last few weeks), so please pray to God that my mind would not be so caught up on learning [guitar and theology] and looking at/drawing random pictures on random scraps of paper.

my life lately has been pretty mundane. i have been experimenting with some new things lately, like fasting and interacting in class.
broomball is quickly becoming one of my favorite sports; not so much because i'm any good at it, but mostly because it gives me an excuse to hit people. broomball, for you southerners, is a lot like hockey, except without skates. it is played on ice.
which means that you fall a lot. A LOT.

oh, BIG NEWS ! I'm [almost] officially going to Kenya in January for sixteen months. for you new readers, I've been training to be a missionary for the last six months, and part of my training involves going to school in a country overseas. the options are to either go to Austria, Central Asia, France, or Kenya. I've decided to go to Kenya!
and that's where i am at. on the outside. for more intimate details about my life, call me... or wait for me to post a blog at one of my weak moments.
i would really love to hear about you and you're life (wow, i made it seem as though they are separate).
[and for what reason?]
either way, I'm putting my fingers to a task that they have come to abhor. and before you make the assumption that i have lost my love for writing, consider this: i have spent most of my time [outside of class and work] on this laptop of mine, doing an exaggerated amount of Theology homework. it has consumed my life, nearly. after spending an hour & 1/2 on my report prior to this,
i thought that it would be o.k for me to invest into the blogosphere. i don't feel as though i have much to offer today, (or for the last few weeks), so please pray to God that my mind would not be so caught up on learning [guitar and theology] and looking at/drawing random pictures on random scraps of paper.

my life lately has been pretty mundane. i have been experimenting with some new things lately, like fasting and interacting in class.
broomball is quickly becoming one of my favorite sports; not so much because i'm any good at it, but mostly because it gives me an excuse to hit people. broomball, for you southerners, is a lot like hockey, except without skates. it is played on ice.
which means that you fall a lot. A LOT.
oh, BIG NEWS ! I'm [almost] officially going to Kenya in January for sixteen months. for you new readers, I've been training to be a missionary for the last six months, and part of my training involves going to school in a country overseas. the options are to either go to Austria, Central Asia, France, or Kenya. I've decided to go to Kenya!
and that's where i am at. on the outside. for more intimate details about my life, call me... or wait for me to post a blog at one of my weak moments.
i would really love to hear about you and you're life (wow, i made it seem as though they are separate).
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