


In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul writes about redemption. What he really does is talk about resurrection but they are one and the same. He says that life would be futile if Christ had not risen from the grave. If Christ would have died, and stayed dead, it would have been the greatest downer the world would ever see. I mean how can a Man who preached that everything needed to be resurrected ( redeemed, if you will ) not come back to life after His own death ? It would be foolishness. Life would be futile without the resurrection. We would have no hope. We would live like the pagan who thinks that life is not eternal, and consequently - we should just live to bring pleasure to our bodies while we have them.
What hope would creation have? The trees would stay barren, satisfied with it's winter dress. It would groan with no avail for all of its days.

*Right outside my window stands erected a 100+ foot tree. I have been watching this tree go through its seasons since i moved up here. In the winter time, i would look out my window at "my" tree to find it barren and very emo-like.
it was dead.
My tree is green again. It has come to life again ( although it was only it's appearance that was dead-like ). Signs of life all over campus again. Resurrection.

Creation still groans, but with hope. It hopes for a better day. All of nature hopes for the day with Christ will be on the throne, on earth. All will be redeemed. The curse will be removed.

We too wait in hope. Our bodies will be redeemed. As for now, we believe that when Christ rose from the dead, so did we. We are not dead anymore. We can now live the Christ-life here on earth. He put in the grave our lust, greed, selfishness, hate.
We are a new creation, filled with love, joy, peace , and righteousness. Filled with hope.

We share our material possessions ( because nothing is really OURS... ). WE fast our food and give it to someone who could really use some. We put away our time-consuming electronics and commit to live life WITH OTHERS. We pray TOGETHER, eat TOGETHER, laugh & cry TOGETHER, because this is how it's supposed to be. We live as if we had hope of a heaven on earth. Because we do.

I'm not blogging anymore of my ideals. I'm trying to live this out before i ever tell someone about it.

My friend and I put away our electronics for a few weeks to live life more simple. My friend lent me her laptop to type up my paper and i thought i'd write something. SO here it is.

( ..the SIMPLE WAY is so under-rated )