Written by Jennifer Giner
The Longing For A Best Friend
All my life I have longed to be called someone's Best Friend and have never realized the extreme that I would go to in order to hear someone say those words in return. I remember in High School I would do my friends homework just so she wouldn't get mad at me and just to be the best friend I could be, yet I was never good enough. Even now at age 26 I deal with this very thing. I have thought I have been the best friend I can be to people, I will go the extra mile, I will give when I don’t have and will sacrifice time with my husband to be that friend, I will listen when no one else is there and love uncontionally even when I know things were said about me that affect my character. And yes, sometimes I would hear it in return but then with technology the way it is, you have things like My Space and Facebook that show you who is in your top 10 and then you have tags on pictures that say it all, and then all you are left with is just empty words and a feeling of your not good enough, and you didn’t give enough. This may not affect many people but for the people that struggle with insecurity and disappointment and that longing for a Best Friend someone that not only says it but posts it everywhere, I have hope to give you. There is someone out there who thinks of you higher then anyone else. His name is Jesus!!! This week I have thought about this allot and it just blew me away on how caught up I was in being someone's best friend yet God longs for someone he can just call FRIEND. Our cares should not be placed on man but on God. There is an enemy out there and he is out to destroy your mind by your thoughts. Joyce Meyer is one of my favorite inspirational leaders, she writes allot about the Battlefield of the Mind. Allot of areas that she has gone through I can relate especially her frame of thinking. Joyce said for years she spoke whatever came to her mind and that got her in allot of trouble. I know that for me anytime I felt insecure or the enemy would attack my thoughts I would just say it and it pushed so many people away. We have to all come to a place in our life that we recognize where a thought is coming from and say "No this thought is a lie and from the enemy, but I know that the joy of the Lord is my strength and I don’t need to be at work and at church depressed, Instead I will think about God's word and the good plans he has for my life."
The devil puts thoughts in our minds and if we don’t know God's truth and how he really sees us then we will believe whatever the enemy tells us. This is the battle and we can learn to win the battle by learning how to fight it and let me tell you that the fighting part is not the way we think. We have to remember that our emotions will follow our thinking!!!! You will not win this battle overnight, it will take time. Always know that you are of worth and that if you don’t have people that call you Best Friend you have someone that calls your Friend and that is more priceless than empty words and broken promises. A good friend told me one time that I was not called to fit in because if I fit in I would not be able to fufill what God has purposed me here for. So know you are loved and when you are under attack and the enemy is at full force against you, attack him with the TRUTH from God's Word. And the best part is WE HAVE THE VICTORY EACH TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!