Almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not possess, and to gain applause which he cannot keep. ~Samuel Johnson
How come it’s so easy to pretend? Ever noticed that we spend more time trying to please other people…. Doing things that aren’t really us, saying things we don’t really mean, living as though we were on some stage and we had an audience to please. The bible says that one day Jesus had just gotten baptized… and the moment he got out of the water God said “this is my son, in whom I am well pleased”, another version says “This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life”. Jesus hadn’t done a miracle yet… he hadn’t healed anyone, raised anyone from the dead yet, preached anything, flipped any tables… nothing. He was just Jesus. The one God created Him to be. Normal Jesus. well, not normal… but if we were to see Him then we’d probably think so. And God was pleased. Ever thought that God is just happy with us being us? Maybe we don’t have to please everyone to fit in. Maybe we don’t even have to fit in. Maybe we don’t have to hang around with the cool kids at church to have doors open up for us. Maybe God , like He said He would in the first place… would take care of that for us. Maybe we don’t have to pretend to be all holy… maybe it’s okay if we just admit it’s hard. Maybe we don’t have to look like the rest of them… talk like the rest of them… pray like the rest of them… maybe God just wants us to be us… the ones he envisioned while he was creating and putting us together. Maybe it’s time we start ending the pretending… and remove the veil.
What this world needs is
For us to stop hiding behind our relevance
Blending in so well that people can't see the difference
And it's the difference that sets the world free
- Casting Crowns
Needless to say every man, woman and child on earth was created by God to fulfill a special purpose. Unfortunately most of these potential treasures in earthen vessels are buried in tombs throughout this same earth. What a shame when we Christians bury our God-given talents and try to be like everyone else. There is a best selling author named John Mason who has written several life-changing books that helps us stop living the mediocre Christian life. His webpage is I highly recommend reading some of them, especially "You're Born an Original-Why Die a Copy?" and "An Enemy Called Average."
I love that revelation about God just being happy with us regardless of anything. Keep it up! =)
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