
unquenchable love

Daniel 7:9
“I watched till thrones were put in place, and the ancient of days was seated; his garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, it’s wheels a burning fire.”

His throne was a fiery flame, it’s wheels a burning fire. Our God… being moved by fire. Our God, being moved by passion. By love. Not fancy words. Not empty sacrifices. Not positions, titles or things that can be acknowledged by man. The wheels of His throne are a burning fire. What drives Him and moves Him is fiery passion. This word ‘fire’ has been in my spirit lately. I can’t help but think of how His beautiful eyes… the eyes that made me fall in love… are a blazing fire…and with those eyes he is trying to find a reflection within my heart, so he sees that same fire inside of me. He wants to be moved by the passion in my heart. He is searching us… were not our hearts burning within us?


Anonymous said...

Revelation 19:12
His EYES were like a flame of FIRE, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself.

in the words of switchfoot..."I'm on fire when You're near me
I'm on fire when You speak
I'm on fire burning at these mysteries
These mysteries"

Anonymous said...

Luke 24!!! i love that story!
