Mrs Jesus Christ
This one's for the girls
Who've ever had a broken heart
Who've wished upon a shooting star
You're beautiful the way you are
This one's for the girls
Who love without holding back
Who dream with everything they have
This one's for the girls
- Martina McBride
All throughout the bible you hear of God changing mens names… he changed abram to Abraham, Jacob to
Well God wants you to sign yourself as His bride… Mrs. Jesus Christ.
Hosea 2:15-16
There I will give her back her vineyards,
and will make the
There she will sing as in the days of her youth,
as in the day she came up out of
"In that day," declares the LORD,
"you will call me 'my husband';
you will no longer call me 'my master.
For your Maker is your husband—
the LORD Almighty is his
name— the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth.
Song of Solomon 5:9
What's so great about your lover, fair lady? What's so special about him that you beg for our help?
He wanted to love me.
I like to think a lot… I know, sounds boring. One day I was driving and looking at all the cars passing by and thinking that in every single car there is a person who has a family, who has dreams, who has pretty much… a life. But I also thought that in every car there is a person who has also hurt God in some way, including me. So I asked God, “God… why do you love us so much?” – and right away came my “theologically enhanced I know it all answer” when I remembered that someone had once said it was because He created us. Even though that sounds pretty accurate, it wasn’t enough… so I said “then why did you create us? If you love us because you created us… why did you create us in the first place?” I mean think about it… God knows everything. He knew Eve was gonna eat the fruit… he knew Jonah was going to run away… he even knew the nails on Jesus’ hands were gonna hurt… so why did he go through all that trouble of creating humans when all we’ve ever done is bring him trouble?
You know what He told me??? “I wanted to love you.” I felt God just speak over me [and no it wasn’t in some supernatural audible voice…. ] that he created us because he wanted to love us. Yes he thought about every time we’d sin. Yes he thought about every time we’d disappoint him. He even thought about every time we’d get all prideful after He’d use us and how we would sometimes try to steal the spotlight. He thought about all of that . Im sure he laughed too…. But then He thought about the times that we’d worship Him. He thought about every time we would tell him we loved him and really meant it. He thought about when we would talk about Him to other people, not with the goal of “getting them saved” but just because we were so in love that the whole world has to know. He thought about all that… and he wanted it. He wanted to love you.
So to answer the question about what’s so special about my Lover…..
Songs of Solomon 7:9-
"I am my lover's. I'm all he wants. I'm all the world to him!"
He sings over us with love……….
dear martha.
"There is great danger of being corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ; 2 Cor 11:3. Satan desires to destroy us; and his great object is readily accomplished if he can seduce Christians from simple devotedness to the Redeemer; if he can secure corruption in doctrine or in the manner of worship, and can produce conformity in dress and in the style of living to this world. Formerly, he excited persecution. But in that he was foiled. The more the church was persecuted the more it grew. Then he changed his ground. What he could not do by persecution he sought to do by corrupting the church; and in this he has been by far more successful. This can be done slowly but certainly; effectually but without exciting suspicion. And it matters not to Satan whether the church is crippled by persecution or its zeal destroyed by false doctrine and by conformity to the world. His aim is secured; and the power of the church destroyed. The form in which he now assails the church is by attempting to seduce it from simple and hearty attachment to the Saviour. And, O! in how many instances is he successful." - a guy named Barnes
Self-satisfaction is the death of progress. Contentment with worldly goods is a blessing; but contentment in spiritual things is a curse and a sin. What said Paul? "Not as though I had already attained" Phil 3:12. Some of us think, "If we could get as far as Paul did, we should be satisfied." But Paul said, "Not as though I had already attained;" and then he added, "Forgetting those things which are behind" Phil 3:13, why, some of us wish we had such things to recollect; but he wished to forget all that he had done, and to think only of what remained to be done;-"Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Oh, for this sacred forgetfulness, by way of contentment, of all successes and achievements, so as still to be pressing forward! I would that every believer had, for the glory of God, that spirit which is never satisfied, but always cries for more. I would have the hearts of Christians insatiable as death and the grave, for how can we bear that men should be for ever lost? How can we be quiet while hell is being filled, and souls are perishing day and night? How can we be at ease while God is blasphemed, while Christ is unknown in a great part of the world, and where he is known, he is not beloved? How can we be contented while the black prince of hell seeks to steal the crown rights of King Jesus? Contented and satisfied? Never, till all over this our highly-favoured land Christ shall reign as Sovereign Lord; nay, not then, nor till in every continent and island the nations of the whole world shall have heard the gospel, and vast multitudes have prostrated themselves at Messiah's feet in loyal and loving adoration. Up, saints of God, from your resting-places of inglorious sloth, and begin to cry aloud, and spare not; come to God's throne with a sacred spiritual hunger, for thus shall the Church of God be filled with good things. May God, in His infinite mercy, bless His message, and His shall be the praise and glory for ever. Amen.
love is free.
1. | a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. |
2. | a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. |
3. | sexual passion or desire. |
4. | a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart. |
5. | (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love? |
6. | a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour. |
7. | sexual intercourse; copulation. |
Love - one of the hardest words in the english language to define - in my opinion at least. dictionary [dot] com makes seven (the number of perfection huh... coincidence?) attempts on defining the word (shown above) and most fall short when compared to the Bible's.
now, i'm not much of a note-taker and most of my high school teachers can attest with the low test scores, but a few weeks ago i took more notes than i probably ever have. it was a friday night when my church's college group Bible study saw "Flame," one of the many Nooma dvd's by Rob Bell. the dvd spoke of love and the definitions the Bible gives us of the word throughout it's "sexiest" book "Song of Songs."
bold = original hebrew word.
raya: friend or companion - somebody you hang out with.
example: Thou [art] all fair, my friend, and a blemish there is not in thee (Song of Solomon 4:7).
ahava: love of the will, commitment. more profound than romantic feelings or temporary urges. ahava is making a decision to join your life to the life of another.
example: Many waters are not able to quench the love, And floods do not wash it away. If one give all the wealth of his house for love, Treading down -- they tread upon it. (Song of Solomon 8:7).
dode: to rock or fondle, physical, sexual.
example: Let him kiss me with kisses of his mouth, For better [are] thy loves than wine.
after reading those definitions of love, the first thought that ran across my mind was "damn, english is a pretty simple language, why can't we have different words for love?" wouldn't life be so much simpler when it comes to expressing your true feelings for someone?
i mean, how many times has a good friend of ours looked at us weird for saying "i love you" to them? instead we could have just said "hey bro, i raya you." hah, wouldn't that make life simpler, or is it just me?
i don't know, love is a confusing thing isn't it? we lose friends, jobs, and sleep over it all the time. regardless of the hardships attributed to it, i believe love is the most important thing on this earth, and G-d calls us to love not only Him, but his creations. why? because he created them in His image. my good friend Johnfrank once said: "to deny love to a stranger is to deny G-d," and believe him to be right.
now, don't get too excited, that doesn't mean you should dode everyone... or anyone for that matter, but it does mean you should raya everyone. as "christians" (i hate this label, but thats for another blog) we should love everyone. the ones who have wronged us, hate us, deceived us, cheated on us, the list goes on and on.
G-d is free.
love is free.
there is nothing more important in this world than love. if every single person on the earth loved each other we wouldn't even need "unconditional love" because no one would wrong their neighbors. think about that for a bit... no wars, no murder, no suicide, no pain...
unfortunately though, as we all know, thats not the case, and thats why i believe that as followers of Christ we are called to be the change. to start a movement that should have started generations before us. a movement of love, unconditional love that shines Christ's love through us. to end the wars, murders, suicides, and pain.
so i ask you this:
1. define love and...
2. how can us "christians" show Christ's love to non-believers?
[answer in the comments section]
love is the movement.
.....he wants you.....
...have you ever thought of this: God the Creator wants you...
...it's pretty much awesome...
...the worst feeling in the world is to like someone
and all they do is ignore you...
i've been there...i'm there...He's there...the whole cry of the Bible is God calling His little child-bride to Him.the whole thing about Jesus dying for us is God calling our name saying "come be my friend". one day the Father (no not the catholic leader person) spoke this silently over me when i was about to pray, He told me"i get butterflies when you pray to me".it was one of the only times i've ever heard Him speaking. that kinda messed me up. i had always thought that He was pissed off at me for some reason. have you ever realized that when we get butterflies, we tend to do really silly (or stupid) things. i'm personally a wreck when i'm face to face with a crush. at the heat of the moment, i say and do really dumb stuff. (note to all girls: i say really dumb stuff even if you're not my crush) had to say that. this might not be the most theologically correct statement but here it goes: i think God was in that position. He loves us so much that He did something pretty "silly". He sent Jesus. i can imagine the angels in heaven conversating (is that even a word?) over eternal fraps saying"He's lost it!" and maybe He did. love makes people do really silly things. he gave it all up for us. and he's not angry at us. he wants us. if we would just open our ears, we would probably hear him calling our name. see this makes our walk with God so much more exciting. it means that when we screw up, he's not pissed, he's brokenhearted - only because sin seperates us from Him. and its His nightmare to be seperate from us. so think about it. God knows your name. and he's calling us to be friends with Him.
"i opened for my beloved,
but my beloved had turned away and was gone.
my heart leaped up when he spoke.
i sought him, but i could not find him;
i called him, but he gave me no answer" - song of solomon 5:6
A Franciscan Benediction
A Franciscan Benediction
May God bless you with discomfort
Bride Dream
“Excellence can be obtained if you:...care more than others think is wise;...risk more than others think is safe;...dream more than others think is practical;...expect more than others think is possible.”
I remember having all these big dreams when I was a kid. The older I got, the smaller my dreams became. "Reality" struck me like a Tyson left hook,and brought me down to reality. But reality sucks. I remember dreaming of having a beautiful wife that was in love with me and me with her, but all i hear now is: "Noel its not as awesome as you think". I get the same response when i begin to talk about my future. Recently, God put it in my heart to start dreaming big again. Especially in the field of ministry. I've always wanted to do huge things for God, and until recently i had lost those dreams and i was thinking"maybe i'm just going to be normal". God really hated these words. He wants me to dream big. So i'm starting to again. Most people that dream big have their dreams based on the American dream: get a well-paying job, drive a nice car, live in a big white house, and maybe work enough so one day they can retire. And when they retire, they feel so lonely and purposeless that most retirees actually return to their job. During this past retreat (Unite 07), God gave me a dream to live for. He called it the Bride Dream. It's God's dream. Its the call of Joel 2. God dreams of a day when His Bride will return to Him. Can you dream it?: Masses of homosexuals return to their Creator, government leaders returning to the morals of our nation's forefathers, Hollywood abandoned to God! Can you dream big enough to see your entire school passionate for Jesus? What about all the liquor stores in Miami being shut down for lack of business. What about the clubs in South Beach having to be used as Houses of Prayer..."Those dreams are too big Noel !"(or we can even say that to God) That's not reality. Have you ever read the book of Jonah. If you haven't, try reading it tonight( it's only four chapters). The entire city of Ninevah turned to God (including the leaders) in a day. Are we Jonah? Afraid to obey God due to the greatness of the task. God's dream was too big for "reality Jonah". God's looking "big dream" Josephs "risky" enough to turn an ENTIRE nation back to Him. I'd rather dream big and fail then to not to dream at all and succeed. " I have a dream!" , cried out Martin Luther King Jr. Then he was shot. Why? The "other side" hates dreamers. If we can see into the supernatural, we would be able to see the swing left hook of the enemy trying to bring us to reality and cause us to stop dreaming.
“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”