This one's for the girls
Who've ever had a broken heart
Who've wished upon a shooting star
You're beautiful the way you are
This one's for the girls
Who love without holding back
Who dream with everything they have
This one's for the girls
- Martina McBride
There’s a desire in every girl to love and be loved.A desire to share every dream you have inside with someone who will dream it too.I read somewhere that men identify themselves by occupation.. for example, im bob the doctor, or im john the electrician, but women tend to identify themselves by relationship. Im so and so’s wife or sister or daughter… and we keep seeking that relationship with others to make ourselves complete and assure us of who we are. But what happens when the same people we are trying to find completion in fail us..? what happens when your best friend finds another best friend? Or when your family turns their back? Or when you realize Mr. right is not so perfect after all?That space in our hearts that we tried to have someone else fill is now empty and there’s a longing inside of us again to be made whole. Think you’ve felt the greatest rejection?
Nope… theres someone whos waited all eternity for your attention.All eternity to be with you.All eternity to have your heart.
All throughout the bible you hear of God changing mens names… he changed abram to Abraham, Jacob toIsrael , simon to peter.. but only a few times has he changed a womans name.I think it was twice.. im not too sure.. but I believe God wants to change your name. im still trying to live up to it but he did it with me and he wants to do it with you. You know what He wants to call you? Mrs. Jesus Christ.I know… sounds funny. But he wants to marry you. He wants you to find yourself in Him and find completion. He wants to be the husband you’ve been praying and waiting for… he wants to be the best friend that will never leave you, talk bad about you, backstab you or get bored of you. He wants to be the perfect Father who will show up to every dance recital, look you in the eye and tell you your beautiful and protect you. You know how whenever we like a guy we tend to sign our name with his last name just to see how it will look together?? Just in case we ever do get married just to practice how we are going to sign our checks and stuff… haha.
Well God wants you to sign yourself as His bride… Mrs. Jesus Christ.
All throughout the bible you hear of God changing mens names… he changed abram to Abraham, Jacob to
Well God wants you to sign yourself as His bride… Mrs. Jesus Christ.
Hosea 2:15-16
There I will give her back her vineyards,
and will make the
There she will sing as in the days of her youth,
as in the day she came up out of
"In that day," declares the LORD,
"you will call me 'my husband';
you will no longer call me 'my master.
Isaiah 54:5
For your Maker is your husband—
the LORD Almighty is his
name— the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth.
This was a great blog, keep em coming
Melissa, when you wrote about being Mrs. Jesus Christ, you were right on target! Let me confirm this through the written Word of God.
In the Gospel of John chapter 4 we read how Christ revealed Himself to a Samaritan woman. In verse 18 our Lord Jesus knew by an inward revelation manifesting the gift of a word of knowledge (See 1Corinthians 12:8) and therefore said; “For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband:”
A great spiritual truth is revealed here. The woman had had five husbands, and the one she now had, the sixth, was not her husband.
As you well know, six is the number of man and seven is the number of completion or perfection.
As a mere mortal without any direction this woman may have tried witchcraft, Buddhism, etc. or any six different gods before finally facing the seventh and perfect God… Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
Yes, our Lord Jesus Christ was in essence “proposing” to this woman because the first six husbands were not really interested in her, and now He wanted to become the seventh, or rather the Perfect and Complete One!
When we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, as this Samaritan woman at the well did, we are also accepting His “proposal” and therefore become Mrs. Jesus Christ! We are His bride, His joy and His crown! And a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband!
Double Amen !!! (lol) I thought I was the only one that would do that Mrs. Christ ....this is awesome I loved it !!!! it inspired me so much in a whole other level . It's amazing how we could read and hear the same preaching but everytime it reveals to us something new and different. God Bless!!
wow meli, this was awesome!!! we should pass out this devotional like hot bread. every girl needs to hear this. i love you meli, you are such an example to everyone. i didnt know about this site until i saw your blog today on myspace, the bullitin. it is amazing!!! i was touched by this one and other ones. thank you!
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