

Song of Solomon 5:9
What's so great about your lover, fair lady? What's so special about him that you beg for our help?

He wanted to love me.

I like to think a lot… I know, sounds boring. One day I was driving and looking at all the cars passing by and thinking that in every single car there is a person who has a family, who has dreams, who has pretty much… a life. But I also thought that in every car there is a person who has also hurt God in some way, including me. So I asked God, “God… why do you love us so much?” – and right away came my “theologically enhanced I know it all answer” when I remembered that someone had once said it was because He created us. Even though that sounds pretty accurate, it wasn’t enough… so I said “then why did you create us? If you love us because you created us… why did you create us in the first place?” I mean think about it… God knows everything. He knew Eve was gonna eat the fruit… he knew Jonah was going to run away… he even knew the nails on Jesus’ hands were gonna hurt… so why did he go through all that trouble of creating humans when all we’ve ever done is bring him trouble?

You know what He told me??? “I wanted to love you.” I felt God just speak over me [and no it wasn’t in some supernatural audible voice…. ] that he created us because he wanted to love us. Yes he thought about every time we’d sin. Yes he thought about every time we’d disappoint him. He even thought about every time we’d get all prideful after He’d use us and how we would sometimes try to steal the spotlight. He thought about all of that . Im sure he laughed too…. But then He thought about the times that we’d worship Him. He thought about every time we would tell him we loved him and really meant it. He thought about when we would talk about Him to other people, not with the goal of “getting them saved” but just because we were so in love that the whole world has to know. He thought about all that… and he wanted it. He wanted to love you.

So to answer the question about what’s so special about my Lover…..

Songs of Solomon 7:9-
"I am my lover's. I'm all he wants. I'm all the world to him!"

He sings over us with love……….


Anonymous said...

wow meli this is nice! Man its awsome to think that their is someine out there that even though no matter what the heck we have done he keeps on loving us no mater what. My God is amazing.

Mario Torres said...

Melissa, you’re on target once again! God is love and the reason He created man is to love us. If He didn’t created man He would implode, explode or some kind of plode (?), because love HAS to give! Imagine a loving God without anyone to give all that love to? Check this out to see how awesome Christ’s love toward us is. 1Corinthians 13:7 says love hopes all things. Well, He loves us sooooo much that even knowing we are about to fall into sin, He HOPES we don’t fall! How marvelous is that? There’s our Faithful and True Lord Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father HOPING that I don’t fall into sin. He sits at the edge of the throne rooting me on and saying; “Don’t do it Mario, I sure hope you don’t do it,” all the while knowing that I will fall anyway! Hey, if that doesn’t prove how amazing His love is toward us, because I do not know of anyone who would still love me knowing that I will soon betray him…and continue to do so! Yes, that’s another of the zillion reasons why I love the Lord so much, and it’s all because He first loved me.