[i pretty much took 6 days to write this blog due to fear of the result]
i am starting to learn about seasons. i think Solomon is known as the wisest man ever because of one thing: he understood the principle of seasons. winter is awesome, but if it was winter all the time then all the plants would stop growing and old ladies would freeze to death. suddenly winter isnt so awesome anymore. summer is nice, but if it was summer all year long, then...umm..then...well it would be kinda cool to have summer all year long. whatever the point is that there is a necessary shift in seasons during the year. i've also learned this: the things [or seasons] that we go through teach us valuable life lessons that we can share with others. this is what i've learned from the season i just went through: loneliness womps. i went through an "isolation" period of my life for "spiritual" motives. the motives were to seek God more whole-heartedly with less distractions. and the truth is that the "isolation" did work...for a while. and i think its the wise people who know when it's time for another change in seasons. but i played the fool. i got stuck in my season of "isolation" for way too long and ended up as the lone ranger pt.2 . it was the worst experience of my entire life. and because i was [felt] lonely, my relationship with God went into the dumps as well. something inside of me longed for community and warmth and i found myself caught up in a pickle: i had forgotten how to be a friend.
friendship seems like the easiest topic in life. not for me. and the truth is that i have realized that true friendship has become a lost art today. i'm not even trying to teach on friendship [i know very little of this treasure] , i'm just writing in this journal of mines and hoping that maybe i can motivate someone to atleast try. that's where i'm at. i'm trying to look at you in the eyes. i'm trying to listen. i'm trying to look past the veil and into the depths to see if your hurting or not [because i really want to help] .i'm trying to be interested in your interests [just because it interests you]. im trying to stay awake at night when your telling me how your day went. im trying not to say "um i gotta go" when there's an awkward silence. [someone once said that you know when a person really wants to talk to you when they don't have to run away from the awkward silent moments] ...
true friendship to me is when you can have a blast with each other just being. just hanging out, picking your nose. not doing anything awesome or expensive...
example : last saturday night, some of the boys and i decided to skip the "getty" that was going on at a church friends house and opted to go to south beach and just run around in the sand and just hang out. [3 guys at beach, midnight= wierd looks from everyone around us] [ and everyone that sees me after they read this blog] . and let me tell you, it was the coolest night ever. that's friendship. and you know what i've noticed, my relationship with God is much better now. because it's His children hanging out together, having a blast.
and He likes that.
so i'm trying.
and that's all that matters.
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i love it...
i'd probably love it more too if you didn't skip out on going to Toys R Us with me today, haha
I love it!:) and in you and your weird friends words "Really Good Job".
The real test of friendship is: can you literally do nothing with the other person? Can you enjoy those moments of life that are utterly simple? -Eugene Kennedy
I really liked the quote:)
very true.. i like it alot
This is great. Very genuine.. Friends are incredible. which is why we all need to learn how to be better ones.
I can imagine the weird looks you guys got at the beach! haha! but like you said, those are really the moments in which you know that you have true friends. I read somewhere a quote that said something about God sending us angels as friends since angels couldn't be here on earth with wings...something like that lol but but its true how true friends are like angels. :) -Jess
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