For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.
Though it tarries, wait for it. Because it will surely come. It will not tarry.
Though it tarries, it will not tarry…..?
I prayed this morning and asked God to remove the veil of time from my eyes. Perhaps instead of me not seeing something that He sees, this time it’s that I am seeing something He doesn’t. I see time. I see waiting. I see questions and I see my own plans. But He doesn’t. He’s not subject to time. He’s not dependant of a clock or a calendar. And my own impatience demands explanations for his tarrying… when all along he’s saying “it will not tarry”. It’s not delayed. So I want His eyes. I want to see not just what He sees, but how He sees. I want to wake up and not worry about tomorrow. I want to “sleep” like Jesus did through the winds and the waves and know in my heart that it will be okay. I want to be okay with the fact that maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I have for myself and that maybe He wants to surprise me. And I want to let him take me there.
Half of our lives are spent trying to find something to do with the time we rushed through life trying to save. – [I don’t know who wrote this…. But its good.]
Melissa, read the next verse Habakkuk 2:4 that reads that the just shall live by his faith!
Wow, faith filled words written by you are refreshing to my thirsty soul!
Hallelujah, you are a blessing to the body of Christ and may all the glory go to our Lord Jesus Christ!
Its so refreshing to see someone who has realized something, I have been fighting to realize, but never could. And to finally feel that understanding of TIME.
Time can so easily become the downfall to any person. The past, the anticipation of the future, it could all harm us, if we allow it.
I should know, thats Time has done to me these past seven months.
If only we had His eyes, right?
How lovely would it be to just be, without worry, or recall to past pains.
The past is what I think people often dwell too comfortably, because its what we know. Humans are apprehensive creatures aren't we? We are scared to step into territory we have not wondered on before.
I think the only way for Time to not affect us, and to relinquish our fear, is to surrender it to God.
To rest it in His hands, and allow Him to carry our fear, our worries, and all the wieght on our shoulders.
Thanks Melissa, you'll never know how much this touched me.
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