Bride Dream
“Excellence can be obtained if more than others think is wise;...risk more than others think is safe;...dream more than others think is practical;...expect more than others think is possible.”
I remember having all these big dreams when I was a kid. The older I got, the smaller my dreams became. "Reality" struck me like a Tyson left hook,and brought me down to reality. But reality sucks. I remember dreaming of having a beautiful wife that was in love with me and me with her, but all i hear now is: "Noel its not as awesome as you think". I get the same response when i begin to talk about my future. Recently, God put it in my heart to start dreaming big again. Especially in the field of ministry. I've always wanted to do huge things for God, and until recently i had lost those dreams and i was thinking"maybe i'm just going to be normal". God really hated these words. He wants me to dream big. So i'm starting to again. Most people that dream big have their dreams based on the American dream: get a well-paying job, drive a nice car, live in a big white house, and maybe work enough so one day they can retire. And when they retire, they feel so lonely and purposeless that most retirees actually return to their job. During this past retreat (Unite 07), God gave me a dream to live for. He called it the Bride Dream. It's God's dream. Its the call of Joel 2. God dreams of a day when His Bride will return to Him. Can you dream it?: Masses of homosexuals return to their Creator, government leaders returning to the morals of our nation's forefathers, Hollywood abandoned to God! Can you dream big enough to see your entire school passionate for Jesus? What about all the liquor stores in Miami being shut down for lack of business. What about the clubs in South Beach having to be used as Houses of Prayer..."Those dreams are too big Noel !"(or we can even say that to God) That's not reality. Have you ever read the book of Jonah. If you haven't, try reading it tonight( it's only four chapters). The entire city of Ninevah turned to God (including the leaders) in a day. Are we Jonah? Afraid to obey God due to the greatness of the task. God's dream was too big for "reality Jonah". God's looking "big dream" Josephs "risky" enough to turn an ENTIRE nation back to Him. I'd rather dream big and fail then to not to dream at all and succeed. " I have a dream!" , cried out Martin Luther King Jr. Then he was shot. Why? The "other side" hates dreamers. If we can see into the supernatural, we would be able to see the swing left hook of the enemy trying to bring us to reality and cause us to stop dreaming.
“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”
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You have a lot of strong goals, I hope you get to accomplish everything you're dreaming of! Don't let anyone hold you back.
Dreaming is amazing.
When your little you do have a lot
more dreams to persue than now, but if you set your heart to keep dreaming, you can always accomplish it. Don't ever give up.
"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who only dream by night."
- Edgar Allen Poe.
"Dreaming Big"......
"Without Vision(dreaming)My People Perish." "YES" God has required for every Saint to Dream. This is true what you speak about Noel. But Never forget the most important part of Dreaming is "Awakening." You See Dreams don't come to pass for those who are Lucking or even Blessed... But Its Those who Awaken from there Dream's and Begin in Pursuit to see that Dream be made a reality. "The Poof of your Desire it's in your Pursuit." So tonight at 1:40 in the Morning I say to all the Dreamers "Keep Dreaming!" But for every Dream... Make Sure you wake up from your Dream and Arise, and let Faith and Action make your dream come to pass.Amen
"Our Truest Life Is When We Are In Our Dreams, Awake."
You know I really do like this blog, when I was little I had so many dreams and ambitions set for myself, I thought no one could stop me, but over the years I have told myself that these dreams are far beyond my reach, and I guess i've left them in a dormant state, but with this blog it's opened my eyes and it's helped me to activate those dreams and goals that I have always set for myself. You have an amazing talent, it all starts with a dream but we have to put our dreams in to action and these blogs are just the start. Noel keep up the amazing work that your doing.
Amen !!!!!!! you are going to make !!!!!!!!!!!
I read this quote and I wanted to add it.
All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible. - TE Lawrence
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