
I flip my pillow to get to the cold side.
the same thing over and over again gets boring.
i read the book of Ruth today. don't know why she got her own book .
couldn't they have stuck her cute story in the middle of Judges or something ?
i now feel cool about her calling me her 'Boaz' . I thought it was a french curse word prior to my excursion into Ruth today during the old guy's lecture today in class.
i bought 5 dollar coffee tonight. actually two of them, one for a friend.
it just tastes better that way .
oh, and sorry.
for calling the church a whore.
i shouldn't have .


Mario Torres said...

My beloved Noel, the space between your ears, or the space between my ears or the space between anyone’s ears is just that…SPACE.

What you think, what I think or what anyone else thinks is irrelevant.

What matters is what God says, and God speaks to our hearts…not our minds. We must receive the Word of God in our hearts and use it to RENEW our minds. Then we will have the mind of Christ.

Take for example the blessed book of Ruth that you mentioned. To the mind it seems like a little bitty story in a giant universe. But oh what wonderful revelation we can glean from this extremely powerful book.

Ruth is the eighth book of the Bible and eight stands for new beginnings. (We discussed this last New Years Day.)

The name Ruth sounds like the Hebrew for “friendship”. She is a Moabite woman who marries a fellow named Mahlon which means “weakling” in Hebrew. When he dies she makes the decision to follow her mother-in-law Naomi wherever she goes and makes the Bible’s most perfect surrender in Ruth 1:16, 17; “Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die and there will I be buried. The LORD do so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts you and me.”

These same words are recited at weddings today. These same words are recited by believers who commit to becoming the bride of Christ.

After Ruth made this confession she was lead back to Bethlehem (“House of Bread” in Hebrew) where she married Boaz which means “strength” in Hebrew. (Jesus was born in Bethlehem.)

Can you see the story of salvation here?

Ruth came from the world (Moab) and she a type and shadow of the church of Christ that believes in her heart and confesses with her mouth and then follows the Holy Spirit (Naomi) to Jesus Christ (Boaz the Kinsman Redeemer).

Ruth is the only woman called a “virtuous woman” in the Bible. Proverbs 12:4 says a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband. She is the crown to her husband, as we the church are a crown to Christ.

My beloved I can go on and on about the blessed book of Ruth. It is chocked full of wonderful truths!

Am I a super-gifted revealer of the Word? No, I am simply a man who has disconnected his own mind and listens intently to his heart…the residence of the Holy Spirit.

It is that still small voice of the Holy Ghost that will edify my life and then I can write to others to help edify them.

Where will my thoughts lead me? My thoughts will lead me back to Moab like Orpah. Huh? Who’s Orpah? Read the book of Ruth and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal His Word to you!

carolina said...

maybe your friend has read Lady in Waiting, thats why she calls you Boaz