
It's the Mirrors...

this might be the worst blog i've ever written but [ it's ok] .

i'm in a las vegas airport right now and i can't help but look around and think, "wow , these are some ugly people!". yea i know that sounds like a terrible thing to say but i'm just trying to be honest [ i personally think i'm pretty-ugly myself] . the thing that i just keep hearing in my spirit is "we are made in the image of God"...and so i feel really convicted and i've actually learned alot in these last three hours in this extremely humid airport. i've learned how to look at people through the eyes [ though it is highly impossible to enter into it's fullness] of God the creator.

and then it got me thinking some more. and a really wierd thought came into my mind- "what if mirrors didn't exist?". wouldn't life be so much funner [ gramatically incorrect, but it's cool] without mirrors? if i didn't have to spend hours walking in and out of my bathroom to check if the mountains on my face have disappeared, now wouldn't that be cool? if there weren't mirrors, we wouldn't have to spend all this money on our clothes and hair products,which in effect would allow us to spend our money on more important things, like more ps3 games [ joke ] . [ stupid joke ] .

ugly people have fun:

they jump on trampolines and let their hair get frizzled.

they go to the beach even if they're not fit.

they wear shoes with holes on them. [ good joke ] .

they fall in love.

they eat barbeque ribs with their hands.

in conclusion: life would be so much FUNNER without mirrors. and we would all be beautiful ...

the truth is that we are all beautiful once we realize that we are the Master Painter's work...

"you're beautiful, that's for sure" - j. Blunt.


satisfied with God

"the joy of the Lord is my strength"- David, son of Joseph.

for david, it was good enough that God was pleased with him. is that good enough for you? can you go your entire life with satisfaction in your soul knowing that God is pleased with you. would that be enough? if the Father opened up the heavens tonight, called your name and said "you are my beloved, and i am well pleased with you", would that be enough to satisfy your thirst for approval?

in my life, i am trying so hard to quit seeking for the approval of man and to be cool with knowing that God likes me...but it's hard. example[i'm making this up :0] : if i'm waiting for a day or two for a girl's reply on whether she likes me or not, i will be perplexed and running miles waiting for the reply. but when i finally get the reply, and she says yes, i feel like there's nothing else in the entire world that i need- i'm satisfied. why can't i be satisfied with knowing that God likes me?

Because i know He does.

Are you o.k with God liking you?

Because Adam wasn't, and look how that turned out.

i hope that one day i will be able to declare , like David, that "the joy of the Lord is my strength".


some words about music, religion, and G-d.

by julio d. anta

it's nights like tonight where i find my self lost in thought. rummaging through cases and cases of cd’s fuel these long nights of idealism. listening to my current favorites (copeland and the manchester orchestra) and personal “classics” (blink 182 and the rocket summer) are the main source of fuel tonight.

copeland’s beneath medicine tree bring thoughts of love and relationship - that which i have yet to experience, but hope to G-d i get the chance to someday and forever. on the song “brightest,” aaron marsh sings my favorite lines of the entire record: “i just know that she warms my heart and knows what all my imperfections are. she says that i was the brightest little firefly in her jar.” call it cliche, call it beautiful - i choose the latter. i mean, wouldn’t it be amazing to have that sort of relationship? to have that one person who knows your every imperfection but loves you regardless... and in some odd and beautiful way, finds comfort in that.

with the manchester orchestra, thoughts of spirituality and religion come into play. for those who’ve ever had a “religious” conversation with me know how much i hateeeee religion and everything it stands for. in my opinion and from what i’ve seen, religion conforms a persons heart into habit and prevents from real worship. it takes minds away from G-d and engages it on traditions that hold absolutely no stock in the kingdom of G-d. i say all that to say... maybe some good has come of it: the manchester orchestra. i don’t know andy hull’s (singer/ songwriter) complete background, but from what i’ve read and understand from his lyrics, he was raised in the church and did everything a “good christian” should, but still doubts his own faith and whether or not he’ll end up in heaven if it even exists. one of my favorite lines on their album i’m like a virgin losing a child is “and if seeing is believing, then i believe that we have lost our eyes.” i’m still not completely sure on what it means, but it sounds pretty meaningful.

now, blink 182... the band that made me fall in love with music the summer before the 6th grade. i look back at the lyric booklets, filled with songs that have had the biggest influence on my life and reminisce. reflect on those long school days counting down the seconds till that faithful bell rang at 3:40 and released us to skateboard the afternoons away. “give me on good reason” was my anthem for those three years. the chorus sang “so give me one good reason, why we need to be like them. kids will have fun and offend. they don't want to and don't fit in.” as a little punk rock skater kid i lived by those words, and to a certain extent still do. instead now, its not in the vein of “hey lets be cool and not fit in on purpose” like it used to, but “lets be the change, the light of the world that G-d calls us to be.”

listening to bands like blink 182 curse up a storm and sing about f***ing dogs has helped me realize that G-d is everywhere. just because something isn’t “christian” or “religious” doesn’t mean you can’t find relevance for your spiritual walk in it. it goes both ways too. just because something is “christian” or “religious” doesn’t mean it’s Christ-like or G-d centered.

and finally, the rocket summer. though i mentioned it as a personal “classic,” i think i can safely say the rocket summer is my favorite band. i found the rocket summer a year and a half ago through an ex-girlfriend of mine and like a fish, i was caught in its net... literally. “bless your heart you’ve made me happy again, it’s been so long and i’m sick of pretending” are probably my favorite words sung in any trs song. they found me with perfect timing and were my “therapy.” i put it in quotes because therapy is a word people love to use for the way music helps them, but i’m not too sure i like that word. to me, therapy sounds like i’m using something for my own intentions of relief rather than a relationship which is what i believe i have with music.

hopefully i don’t come off as pretentious by saying that, but i truly believe what i have with music is a relationship. we take long drives together, and short drives across the street. spend long nights getting to know each other, and share memories. to almost every memory i have, music is in someway attached. either directly (music was playing during the event in my memory) or indirectly (the music i was listening to or was popular around the time-frame), music has been committed to my memory.

coming back to the rocket summer for a second, i think i get most of my idealistic thoughts (which are most of my thoughts) from listening to trs. my thoughts of changing the world to something G-d would be proud of. not to sound self-righteous or better than anyone else, but i truly believe that G-d would not be proud of us (followers of Christ) for (a) the way we’ve treated the world He’s created and (b) for the way we’ve portrayed Him to His world.

i feel as “christians” we have all falsely represented G-d to the people we should be exposing Him too. here are a few of the most notable examples:

the nine major crusades dating between 1095 and 1272, not to mention to countless minor crusades in between.
the medieval, spanish, portuguese, and roman inquisitions.
the killing of “suspected” witches in 1692 (salem witch trials).

you’re probably thinking, “well, look at the years, those happened a longggg time ago.” yeah, you’re right they did, but history doesn’t forget. but, let’s pretend for a second that recorded history does forget and lets remember all the things we do every day to falsely represent G-d. the bad attitudes, the lies, the hypocrisy, the list goes on and on. at the end of the day, we all do millions of crappy things... but thats what i believe is one of the most beautiful things about Jesus. even though we’re all broken, He still loves us. he still loves us every time we feel Him tugging at our hearts but refuse to tell someone about Him. He still loves us every time we use His name in vein and every time we sin.

i think love is what we should be preaching to the world. i mean, what in the world is more important than love. G-d is love, Jesus is love, and the Holy Spirit is love... love is every where, at all times. thats what the world should be hearing... not “if you don’t accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior you will be eternally damned to hell.”

that gives people a false impression of our savior and brings probably the most negative connotations to the word “Christian”.

i’m not too sure what the point of this blog was. it started with me having too many thoughts in my head three nights ago while listening to old cd’s and turned into a full-fledged essay.

i know it was longwinded, but i hope those of you who had the guts to read this all the way through found home in it and were inspired in some way.

thanks for reading and goodnight.


let it rain

*I never liked the rain until I walked through it with you…*

The other day I was driving to work and I was hearing the country music station [yess I love country music haha] and this song came on the radio. The guy was singing to a girl saying “I never liked the rain until I walked through it with you..” – you know when you have those moments where things just click?? You have those “uh huh” moments?? Yeah, well I had one of those… and I thought about God. I thought about how before I fell in love with Him I never really liked to be bothered by problems [I guess I still don’t but hear me out..]. when things didn’t go the way I wanted i saw it not as an ‘obstacle’ but more like a hole in the ground where I would swim around in my own little pool of misery until I decided to get over it. But then I fell in love… and now the rain doesn’t seem so bad…. Cause im walking it with God…
I was reading the story of Joseph the other night [I decided I actually wanted to read it instead of assume I knew about him since I’ve heard of him and his colorful coat since I was in Sunday school]. Well, besides the fact that this guy should have had his own reality show on ABC or something… he was someone that danced in the rain with God. His brothers had betrayed him and sold him to slavery while they were out in the fields looking for food… so after a while of things getting good and then things getting bad again until they finally got really good for him, he was put in a position of royalty in the kingdom. one day God had shown him that there was going to be 7 years of prosperity in the land and then 7 years of famine [no food]… so joseph decided that they should save up during the 7 years they had stuff so when the 7 years of famine came they wouldn’t be empty handed. During those 7 years of famine people came from all over to buy food from joseph since he had… and one day it was his brothers who came. They came to look and buy food from him. When joseph revealed himself to them they started to cry and ask for forgiveness for selling him and all that [this is just a summary since I know if I type up the whole story no one would read it… lol] and Joseph told them not to ask for forgiveness if it was God who allowed that to happen so he can be in a position to provide food for them when there was lack. *I never liked the rain until I walked through it with you* .. joseph saw his betrayal as an opportunity from God to give to the ones who left him in the first place. That’s love. That’s how I want to be. That’s how we should be. His brothers were LOOKING for food when they betrayed him [they thought they didn’t need him]; and when they didn’t have Joseph turns around and GIVES food to them. There are times when theres people in our lives that are looking for love… and in their moments of searching they hurt the ones they think they don’t need… like you, like me. The reason they are looking is because they don’t have… and they often betray us because they cannot love us back… but just like Joseph we need to see their betrayal as an opportunity to give them back the love they have been looking for all along. A lot like Jesus… Judas betrayed him trying to save himself and Jesus turns around and dies to save him and us… who have done pretty much the same thing. I hope this makes sense… and I hope we learn to dance in the rain with God.


"she loves me, she loves me not"

" there is no safe investment. to love at all is to be vulnerable. love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. if you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin in your selfishness. but in that casket- safe, dark, motionless, airless- it will change. it will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, inpenetrable, irredeemable. the alternative to tragedy, or atleast to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. the only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and pertubations of love is Hell." - C.S Lewis.

a friend of mine pointed out to me the other day that if we rotate the number "8" horizontally, then it becomes the "infinity sign". and it just got me thinking about The Father's love for us. He loves us even if we don't love Him. i think that is one of the hardest things to do: to love without being loved in return. it's kind of like our parents' love too. they just keep loving us despite of our rebellion. the cool thing about that is that sooner or later, the recipient will just feel like stop running away from the love and actually just give in to it.

it's pretty easy to love [or like] someone when you know they love [or like] you in return. but to continue loving them despite of the obvious contrary in their feelings, that's pretty hard to do . that's Jesus love. but like i always say: we can try. so this is one of my goals: to love and to like whom my heart chooses despite of their feelings towards me. don't give up just because they don't love or like you yet [read "pastoral peotry (milton is my favorite)] because one day, just like i have done with Jesus and my parents, they will give in. Have an awesome year.

"so you don't love me, well i'm just going to have to love you more now aren't i?"

"love thy enemies"- Jesus the King.

...comment left by a brother...:

This New Year 2008 has been billed as the year of “new beginnings,” because Biblically eight is known as the number of "new beginnings." That’s because after the Lord ended His work on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2) there had to come an eighth day, or "new beginning." It was also on the eighth day that a young Hebrew was to be circumcised, as a token of covenant, thus marking a "new beginning" to his life. (Genesis 17:15; Leviticus 12:3) Paul was circumcised on the eighth day. (Philippians 3:5) It is a medical fact that the coagulant bloodstream reaches its highest level on the eighth day, therefore making this the safest time to circumcise a boy. Yes, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we receive the spiritual circumcision and also receive a "new beginning." (Romans 2:29 and Deuteronomy 10:16)It was on the eighth day that a sheep was to be given to the Lord in Exodus 22:30 as a first fruit offering. Jesus is the Lamb of God that was given to the Lord for our "new beginning."It was on the eighth day that Moses called Aaron and his sons and presented a sin offering for himself and for the people. (Leviticus 9:1) This also alludes to the sacrifice of Christ and our "new beginning." There are several references to this same thing in the Old Testament.When the great flood came there were eight persons that gave the world a "new beginning." (Genesis 7:7, 13 and 2 Peter 2:5)It was on the eighth day that Jesus appeared to doubting Thomas for him to believe and thus give him a "new beginning." (John 20:26)Noel, these are just a few of the examples that describe the number eight as a "new beginning," including the horizontal eight you mentioned.I am sure that there are many more, but now it's on you and the Holy Ghost to seek them out. Remember Proverbs 25:2; "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings to search out a matter."
-mario torres

also, we would love to hear [or read] about anything you have on your heart. leave your thoughts in the "comments" section for others to be blessed as well. thanks.