

those two letters have so much speed. they get me from :( to :). i didn't use that word for a long time until December 2007. i'm starting to use it alot now. and i have found that it's a beautiful word. it's a key to a whole new world at times. it opened me to beautiful relationships with so many people and so im thankful for "hi". i'm not the kinda guy that has a vision every time i have a bowl of cereal, but i think i hear God a lot. not audibly, but like heartburn -except in my belly. and i always feel God telling me to say "hi". it's like "hey, i got a word from God: hi." . yesterday i was sitting around at a friends house with some folks i had never met before, at it was awkward. were all just sitting around, checking our phones to see if we had any new texts [although my phone was on vibrate]. and so i feel "bellyburn". so in a really weird way i turn to the guy next to me and say "hi". he looked at me like a wacko but it actually led to a full fledge conversation filled with stories about how his sister almost died of fever and how he thinks our church is "dope". remember wisdom, "life's like a box of chocolate."


Mario Torres said...

St. Francis of Assisi said:"Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."

Henrymaxm said...

That's true man if no one ever says Hi then theres no communication and no start of relationship.