
Seduction of the Secondary

" It is often a "seduction of the secondary" that keeps us from our primary love for Christ and for those He has given us to love. The "secondary" can consist of a commitment to a leader, our denomination, or the nonessential ( but familiar ) customs of our brand of religion. Unity is difficult when those secondary considerations become the basis for judging or staying away from others. Added to these can be racial, cultural, or social differences. Sometimes, education, position, financial status, or political beliefs can stand between Christians, keeping them from loving one another and experiencing the unity that Christ wills for them. When we "major in the minors," we end up separated from people who do not look, act, or talk like we do. The only way to overcome this is to be sure Christ is first and foremost in our lives and to set aside the secondary things that have little ultimate value. "
- Lloyd John Ogilvue

debating theology and politics is very exciting to me, so this cuts me to the heart. But I'm beginning to understand that debating and arguing is sort of an offspring of the our Adamic nature. since the fall, we have competing with one another so see who's better at this and that, but Jesus comes and says "this child is the greatest". So, although it is a strong temptation in me to argue and debate, or even compete, I'm trying to lay it down and focus on the things that ultimately matter, mainly Jesus and His Cross. So whether you believe in Calvin's ideas of election or not, and if you wear an Obama T-Shirt or you have a Bush/Cheney bumper sticker, it matters not to me. i love you anyways. let's go eat pizza and love on Jesus, lets go preach the cross and feed the hungry... lets move on.


Jess said...

I missed the blogs already!!

AnaYanez said...

This is awesome!