
give a shhhh...

i was reading an article today that really convicted me. it was talking about being pro-life. as soon as you read those two words "pro-life", abortion came into your mind. atleast it had that effect on me. but being pro-life isnt just protesting against the murdering of babies, but also for the sanctity of life as God intended it. every human being, baby and adult alike, have the right of life. so being pro-life means protesting against the things that are against life, like war, disease, racism, slavery, etc. all of which are very real. these are the "principalities and powers" that Jesus overcame and that we are called to war against. greed must be combated with radical generosity. hatred combated with love. war with peace, loneliness with compassionate community, and so on. these are all things that are seeking to choke life. unfortunately, the american dream has taught us that greed is at times wisdom, when jesus of nazareth taught that in order to find our life - we must first lose it. i could go on but i wont.

the following is an excerpt from the article i was reading: [ i must warn you, it might offend ] .

[ Sacred Reality by :Erin Warde, Burnside writers collective }

Speaking at Wheaton College, Tony Campolo once had great opposition to his words (which have been quoted various times, various ways, with the meaning still valid), “I have three things I’d like to say today. First, while you were sleeping last night, 30,000 kids died of starvation or diseases related to malnutrition. Second, most of you don’t give a shit. What’s worse is that you’re more upset with the fact that I said shit than the fact that 30,000 kids died last night.” Not only do I find truth in his words, but also in the reaction. Crowds were shocked, just as he knew they would be. And, though I can speak for no one’s heart, I believe that those people were far more concerned with a four letter word uttered in church than 30,000 deaths. To make things a bit more real, 17 million children, just children, die from malnutrition and starvation each year, and I do believe that we as a society cannot bring ourselves to show enough compassion for these children and, as Campolo noted frankly - give a shit.

please share your thoughts.


AnaYanez said...

This article is incredibly accurate of our "righteous" society, and it is really awful that we have become desensitized toward these outrageous numbers, but offended by a four letter word.

Melissa Lopez said...

1 Corinthians 13
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned but have not love, it profits me nothing.

Anonymous said...

7You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
-Colossians 3

Making a point does not necessarily mean you need to be controversial to do it. I believe in making a point. And I believe in taking a stand. I do not believe in sinning while doing it. Sorry for my "super spiritual" approach to it.

AnaYanez said...

Are you trying to make a point on how a curse word breaks the heart of God by using the word Nigger? (a racial slur composed of hatred, that Generations before us fought to abolish) In addition, I understand that some may have been offended by Erin Warde's words, it's your right. But it's not your right to offend or judge others. After all, the bible you use to beat your brother with clearly states judge not, lest you be judged. This is why Christians have such a bad reputation we attack the person rather than the problem. The issue here exceeds our ignorance, and anger. It's not about us! It's about helpless children who are dying while we play "who knows more scripture"

Noel. said...

the first "anonymous" commentor has asked to remove his comment.

Mario Torres said...

While Jesus was alive many children died. (Matthew 2:16)

Does Mr.Warde want to heap condemnation on us with his article, or does he want to say that the sin of using profanity (Eph.5: 4) is less than what? Is it my sin that has caused the death of these children? Yes, I am called to pray and help whenever possible, but what does Mr.Warde want me to do?

Tsunamis, earthquakes and other catastrophes kill millions. Is this my fault too Mr.Warde?

There is therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

I pray that Mr.Warde will understand that we live in a world that has a god. Yes, the devil is the god of this world, and unless we begin to trust in the God of the Universe, this fake will continue to destroy many.

I pray always for everyone. I give offerings as often as most people defecate. (Hey, that’s a more appropriate word for Mr. Warde’s obscenity!)

So I am sorry Mr.Warde, your condemnation bounces off this man of God and I exhort you Noel to post articles that show that our Lord Jesus Christ put Himself last without condemning or speaking any guile.

EJW said...

hi there,

first of all, this is erin warde, author of the article you quoted. i'd like to thank you, first of all, for quoting it.

second of all, i'd like to ask the previous commenter to please read the article, as well as everyone else who has commented. my point was not to even really comment on profanity, but instead the importance of a holistic view of "pro-life" that encompasses far more than the saving of babies at the hands of abortion.

lastly, i'd like to correct something -- it's ms. warde, not mr. i am a 21 year old young woman. :)

with blessings,
erin warde

EJW said...

oh, and to mario -- you needn't tell me that this world has a God, i believe that and live my life to serve Him. i think the article shows that desire rather clearly. i also think that your comment seems to assume that i wouldn't believe in such a God, which is a sort of condemnation in and of itself.

here's a link to it, for anyone who'd like to read the entire thing--


Anonymous said...

i was the one who left the comment "condemning" noel... although it wasnt condemnation it was a joke... i am diego cardoso and noel is my mentor and so i obviously was kidding and i expected him to delete my comment before anyone saw it... obviously he didnt... 95% of it was a joke... but i really dont believe you need to curse ever, not even to make a point, a good point might i add. sin is sin right? no matter how u use it... thats just how feel... the way i see it, is whatever words you could use in a prayer you could use outside of prayer If u can use the s-word in a prayer then use it outside of one.Its just i cant picture anyone doing it...

i can and have used the word nigga in a prayer.. lol.. i just dont view that as a wrong word.. i have never been told to not say that word by a person of the opposite skin color... and i go to miami killian where african americans is the main ethnic group.. remember i live in miami in a "melting pot" neighborhood.. maybe if i lived somewhere else i would think differently... sorry if i offended anyone i didnt mean to...

Mario Torres said...

My beloved Erin, I apologize for incorrectly believing you were a man. After some research I found that the name Erin derives from Ireland and is a given name in the United States, sometimes for both sexes, although it is principally used as a female name. Wikipedia says it first became a popular name in the United States, rather than in Ireland simply because no kings or queens were named Erin in history. But now since Jesus Christ has made you a king and priest (Revelations 1:6) then I suppose that ascription doesn’t apply to you.

My only question is why call yourself “Ms?” This term is used as a title prefixed to a woman’s name and unlike Miss or Mrs., it does not depend upon or indicate her marital status.
As a follower of Christ it would be an honor to wear the “Miss” badge indicating your pure state, and as a married woman, it would further glorify God that you were a married, seeing He has given you a husband and proudly calling yourself “Mrs.”

It is obvious that when I commented earlier I had no notion of who was writing the article, but I do have enough spiritual discernment to hear the voice of satan.

Remember our Lord Jesus Christ rebuking Peter in Matthew 16:23 and saying; Get thee behind me, satan, thou art an offense unto me? Was Jesus calling Peter a devil? Or was the Lord showing us that there was a snake influencing Peter? Did you know that vipers hide behind rocks? Peter means rock in Greek and in this case there was an evil spirit inducing his words.

When I wrote about the spirit of condemnation, I was not speaking to a 21 year old young lady. (I myself have a 21 year old daughter whom I love dearly.) I was speaking directly at that snake that has been around for millenniums; that fake, deceitful counterfeit that disguises himself and slithers his way into the body of Christ. He is a thief and does not enter the sheepfold through the door, but climbs up some other way. (John 10:1)

When our Lord Jesus rebuked Peter He was doing it in love, because Jesus is love. Hebrews 12:6 reads; “Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” This is old English saying I love you therefore I will chasten you. That word chasteneth in Greek means to train up a child, educate and by implication discipline.

Erin, I hope you receive my words and after prayer discern if my intentions are to love.

1 Corinthians 14:3 reminds us that we should speak unto men to edification, exhortation and comfort. Anything apart from that can be described as condemnation.

Jeremiah 28:9 reads; The prophet which prophesieth peace, when the word of the prophet shall come to pass, then shall the prophet be known, that the Lord hath truly sent him.

Does “blaming” us that children die everyday edify, exhort or console? Does God need a satanically influenced curse word to get across His Word?
Can you see where words spoken by men and women of God have to be very carefully thought out before being spoken? (See Ecclesiastes 5:1,2)

Can you see how easily anyone, even with good intentions, can heap condemnation on the body of Christ?

1Timothy 3:16,17 tells us that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
We are to accept rebuke and grow from it, even as every branch that bears fruit is purged by God to bring forth MORE fruit (John 15:2) and our faith tried with fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ(1 Peter 1:7).

Saul was rebuked by the prophet Samuel and he blamed others in 1 Samuel 15. Saul eventually lost the kingdom.

David was rebuked by the prophet Nathan in 2 Samuel 12 and accepted his mistake and is the only man called a king in Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew 1:6.

Erin, so although you may think that I was coming against you, I was simply coming against that evil spirit of condemnation that so furtively can creep his way (1 Timothy 3:6) into wonderful blogs that are called to show how much Jesus loves us.

Your intentions may be good, even as Peter’s intentions were no doubt good, but we must be able to discern the voice of a loving, caring, edifying, exhorting and consoling Comforter and not a critical, defaming, scolding, blaspheming Accuser of the brethren.

There is no denying that Mario Torres loves you Erin Warde with the love of Christ, and that I hate satan and I will hate this deceiver forever! So every opportunity I get I will bring him out into the open and announce to everyone the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ.