

* “Do not speak unless you can improve the silence”

“We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.” -Mother Teresa

"try going one hour with no phone, no computer, no music, no talking, no internet, just you and serenity. i don't think many of you will try it because a lot of us are afraid of the outcome... your afraid of what you might hear in the still, yourself. others will start, they will get away into the woods, and then 10 minutes into it their mind will begin to wander and think of 110 other things they should be doing, and 10 minutes after that return home to reply to that email or return that "urgent call". but if you succeed in going an entire hour of silence, not saying one word, in solitude, i think you will find one thing easier to discover...yourself. " - Stephen Christian

- in these modern times, silence never crashes into us. i've learned that we must knock before the door of serenity and silence is opened. and beyond this door there are many treasures, that few will find, for fear of silence. for silence is married to solitude, and solitude is the man pleaser's kryptonite. pride is non-existent in silence. it is rare to be in serenity for more than 20 minutes and not be humbled by the Eternal One. our enemy would love for us to be caught up in "wall street" where our ears are numbed by the busyness of life. but its in those wilderness's of solitude that Jesus, John the Baptist (and all the other cool guys) (and girls) found God and with it found themselves.

* In the silence, You are speaking, In the quiet, I can feel the fire,
And its burning, burning deeply, Burning all it is that you desire to be silent, in me.
Oh Jesus can you hear me? My soul is screaming out.
And my broken will cries teach me: What your Kingdom's all about.
Unite my heart to fear you,To fear you're holy name
And create a life of worship...In the spirit and truth of your loving ways
Jason Upton


Prisca. said...

Wow I have to confess, I read this and it totally amazed me. Why? Because this is something I've always thought of and I wrote about this the other day. Silence is something I love and its funny cause most people hate it; they surround themselves by a sea of noise 24/7 cause they are afraid of what they might hear in the silence. When in reality the silence is the best part.

And "In the Silence" is my most favorite song, thats why this blog really caught my eye.

"Silence is Golden."
- AMC theaters.

Anonymous said...

sweet! Nice.....