
when i grow up...

One of our favorite subjects on the planet, and one I have written about here countless times, is figuring out our purpose. It's the goal that has launched a million backpacking trips across Europe and an equal number of mid-life crisises. But as complicated as we make it and as difficult as it often feels, Paul felt like it was pretty simple. Here is what he says in Galations 5:13:

"You, my brothers, were called to be free."

That's it. That is our purpose, to be free. Nothing fancy. Nothing complex or difficult or mystically spiritual. Freedom, that is our gift and our purpose. That is the word that is supposed to define our lives. So i believe God is asking you: what do you want to do? with the 5 fish and 2 loaves that i have given you , what do you want to do? how do you want to invest your 70- 90 years on this earth?

So are you living it? Would people describe you as free? Or are you embracing slavery in some way? Are there chains on you people might not see? Because you can go to Europe a thousand times and get the fastest sports car on the planet, but at the end of the day, if you're not free, you're not living your purpose and that's a tragedy. so jesus gives us the freedom to be. and not be enslaved to what the world tells us we should be. so sing, dance, write, but most importantly: be. 

this, my friends, is freedom. 

currently reading: the ragamuffin gospel by : brendan manning. 


Yessenia said...

Jesus is our freedom.

Anonymous said...

this is really awesome.

starburst528 said...
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yesssss! said...

Is that the book tht you were speaking to me about in friday?? About the guy that said that he was just dirt without God. Well something like that i guess? =j

Yessenia said...

defend me on my blog!

im bored

Nicolas Del Vento said...

That's real brother.. FREEDOM! It's a beautiful thing.

Gisselle said...

That is very very true, but we also have to watch how we use the freedom we have been given.

"But the Lord God warned him, 'You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden—'"
Genesis 2:16

God gave us our freedom, and we are "Free" to abuse of it, or use it correctly. We will be held accountable of how we use the freedom God has bestowed on us. So we have to be careful how we do use it.

Great blog though!
